Easy Landscaping Tips for Your Rental Property

Easy Landscaping Tips for Your Rental Property

Low maintenance landscapes are helpful for your primary home, but a necessity for your rental property. Smart choices and design can bring down your time managing your vacation or long-term rental.

First, start with a neutral theme. Especially with vacation properties, which will host many tenants with varied styles who likely will spend more time outside than usual. Your goal should be to make each temporary dweller feel comfortable in the setting you prepare.

Then contemplate your hardscape and plant choices.


Consider using hardscaping features to cut down on mowing needs. Replace a large section of lawn with a patio which includes a walkway to the sitting area. Place a bench on a hardscape surface in a corner of the yard to create a little oasis. Added bonus is the extra curb appeal and an inviting and homey yard.

Be mindful of Seacoast New Hampshire ordinances. There may be restrictions on the amount of area you can hardscape. Before you begin a project, read local ordinances and, if your property is in a homeowner’s association, review any restrictions established by the HOA.


Using low maintenance landscaping plants can help save time and money and keep your rental looking sharp.

Consider these:

  • Perennials: offer great ROI, blooming year after year and create pleasing curb appeal.
  • Ornamental Grasses: super low maintenance, but will need pruning back at least once a year.
  • Evergreen Trees: easy maintenance and usually drought tolerant.
  • Dwarf Shrubs: easy to grow and need little to no pruning; added benefit, when placed under a window, dwarf shrubs can deter intruders while making your property look great.

Another low maintenance landscaping tactic is to use native plants which are suited for survival in your local climate and will reduce money and time spent on plant replacement.

Don’t forget weed control, nobody likes to spend time pulling weeds. Lay down a protective barrier cloth and mulch in your beds and gardens to help with managing weeding time.

Most landlords are busy enough. And you can’t rely on your tenants to keep your rental property tidy and looking great, our team can help you arrange for routine lawn care, pruning, flower bed updating, or special projects for your seasonal or long-term rental.

To learn more, please email Rising Tide Realty Property Manager, Anthony Sillitta at anthony@maddenre.com or visit www.maddenre.com